Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Letter To Northern Health Board

This is a short letter, written by a member of the NI MEA to the Chief Executive of the Northern Health Board after the disclosure that so far only the Belfast Board has responded to a request by the Chair of the NI ME Working Group at Stormont for all 5 Boards to submit their plans for providing proper services for ME patients throughout Northern Ireland.
" Dear Mr S McConnell
Following a meeting in Castle Buildings, Stormont, on 28th October 2009, the HSC Board and Public Health Agency were tasked with looking at how the needs of ME/CFS patients might be better addressed.
Subsequent to this meeting, and in January this year, the HSC Board wrote to your Board asking you to submit plans for their consideration, and setting out how the Trusts will deliver services to patients with this disease.
Only the Belfast Trust has had the courtesy to reply to this; the other four Trusts have yet to reply. I would suggest there has been ample time to submit your plans.
As one who suffers from this debilitating disease, I would request you expedite this reply and inform me how soon the HSC will have sight of your plans.
Iain Wylie, 3rd April 2010."
As of today's date, Iain has not yet had an acknowledgement from the Northern Board.

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